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썸네일 형태

영상 모션

마켓 플리 서비스

핫한 플레이리스트와 아티스트

배송 서비스 구독하기


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이 름*


구독 회원들만 누리는 배송 서비스🚚
HOT한 플레이리스트 부터 실시간 인기 아티스트 곡까지
매주 신선한 음악라이브러리를 메일 구독 또는 카카오채널로 배송해 드립니다.


구독 회원들만 누리는 배송 서비스🚚
HOT한 플레이리스트 부터 실시간 인기 아티스트 곡까지
매주 신선한 음악라이브러리를 메일 구독 또는 카카오채널로 배송해 드립니다.

이벤트 참여를 위한 정보를 입력해주세요.



- -

* 이벤트 참여 후 구독 취소시 이벤트 대상에서 제외됩니다.

* 본명과 경품을 수령하실 연락처로 기입 부탁드립니다.

* 잘못 등록한 개인 정보로 인해 경품 당첨 대상에서 제외되거나 문제가 생길 경우 당사는 책임지지 않습니다.


구독이 완료되었습니다.
매주 신선한 플레이리스트를 배송해 드리겠습니다.


구독을 취소 하시겠습니까?
(구독을 취소하시면 더 이상 소식을 받지 못해요)


구독 취소가 완료되었습니다.
(마음 바뀌면 다시 구독해요)


  • 카카오톡

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재생목록 추가

새 재생목록

저장 필터명


곡 리스트


날씨 좋은 오후, 고급스러운 레스토랑에서 흘러나오는 연주곡🍽

BeiGe Mellow 베이지멜로우
유튜브 조회수 415,993회 / 유튜브 좋아요수 3,080
당신의 마음을 편안하게 만들어주는 '베이지멜로우'입니다. 오늘도 행복한 하루 보내세요.
あなたの心を楽にさせてくれる "BeiGe Mellow"です。今日も幸せな一日を過ごしてください
It's "BeiGe Mellow" that makes you feel at ease. We hope you have a wonderful day as well.

🔔 Please subscribe!

'베이지멜로우'에 사용된 모든 음원은 라이선스를 확인 받아 사용되고 있으며, 저작권이 있는 음원이기에 채널 외 사용, BGM으로 사용이 불가합니다.
All songs at 'BeiGe Mellow' are properly licensed and protected. They cannot be used outside of this channel nor as BGM for 3rd parties' content.

[00:00:00]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[00:03:13]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[00:06:30]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[00:09:39]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[00:13:04]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[00:16:53]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[00:20:08]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[00:24:01]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[00:27:02]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[00:28:34]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[00:30:38]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[00:32:24]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[00:34:48]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[00:37:12]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[00:39:29]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[00:42:09]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[00:44:21]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[00:46:43]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[00:48:53]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[00:51:16]20.Music Stella - Time with You


[00:53:43]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[00:56:56]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[01:00:14]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[01:03:23]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[01:06:47]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[01:10:37]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[01:13:52]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[01:17:45]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[01:20:46]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[01:22:18]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[01:24:22]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[01:26:08]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[01:28:32]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[01:30:56]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[01:33:12]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[01:35:52]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[01:38:05]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[01:40:26]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[01:42:36]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[01:45:00]20.Music Stella - Time with You


[01:47:27]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[01:50:40]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[01:53:57]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[01:57:07]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[02:00:31]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[02:04:21]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[02:07:36]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[02:11:29]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[02:14:30]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[02:16:02]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[02:18:05]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[02:19:52]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[02:22:15]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[02:24:40]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[02:26:56]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[02:29:36]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[02:31:49]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[02:34:10]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[02:36:20]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[02:38:44]20.Music Stella - Time with You


[02:41:11]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[02:44:24]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[02:47:41]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[02:50:50]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[02:54:15]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[02:58:05]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[03:01:20]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[03:05:12]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[03:08:13]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[03:09:46]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[03:11:49]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[03:13:36]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[03:15:59]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[03:18:24]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[03:20:40]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[03:23:20]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[03:25:32]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[03:27:54]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[03:30:04]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[03:32:27]20.Music Stella - Time with You
[00:00:00​]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[00:03:13​]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[00:06:30​]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[00:09:39​]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[00:13:04​]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[00:16:53​]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[00:20:08​]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[00:24:01​]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[00:27:02​]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[00:28:34​]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[00:30:38​]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[00:32:24]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[​00:34:48]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[00:37:12​]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[00:39:29​]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[00:42:09​]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[00:44:21​]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[00:46:43​]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[00:48:53]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[00:51:16]20.Music Stella - Time with You
[00:53:43​]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[00:56:56​]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[01:00:14​]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[01:03:23​]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[01:06:47​]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[01:10:37​]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[01:13:52​]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[01:17:45​]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[01:20:46​]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[01:22:18​]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[01:24:22​]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[01:26:08]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[​01:28:32]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[01:30:56​]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[01:33:12​]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[01:35:52​]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[01:38:05​]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[01:40:26​]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[01:42:36]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[01:45:00]20.Music Stella - Time with You
[01:47:27​]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[01:50:40​]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[01:53:57​]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[01:57:07​]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[02:00:31​]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[02:04:21​]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[02:07:36​]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[02:11:29​]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[02:14:30​]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[02:16:02​]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[02:18:05​]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[02:19:52]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[​02:22:15]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[02:24:40​]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[02:26:56​]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[02:29:36​]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[02:31:49​]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[02:34:10​]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[02:36:20]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[02:38:44]20.Music Stella - Time with You
[02:41:11​]1.Acoustic Cello - Flower Rainbow
[02:44:24​]2.Acoustic Cello - Lovely Scene
[02:47:41​]3.Acoustic Cello - Someone's Diary (아버지의 일기)
[02:50:50​]4.Acoustic Cello - Childhood Memory
[02:54:15​]5.Acoustic Cello - Requiem
[02:58:05​]6.Acoustic Cello - Step the Time
[03:01:20​]7.Acoustic Cello - Burlesque of Life
[03:05:12​]8.Acoustic Cello - Shining the Scenery
[03:08:13​]9.Team TIB (순) - Sweet Breeze (산들바람)
[03:09:46​]10.조혜원 - Spring Bird
[03:11:49​]11.하이정 - Did You Smile Today
[03:13:36]12.하이정 - Unopened Pages
[​03:15:59]13.Romantic Trio - When Autumn Comes
[03:18:24​]14.Romantic Trio - Romantic
[03:20:40​]15.Romantic Trio - Fallen Leaves
[03:23:20​]16.Romantic Trio - Welcome Autumn
[03:25:32​]17.Music Stella - Shining Star
[03:27:54​]18.Music Stella - Dark Sky
[03:30:04]19.Music Stella - Romantic
[03:32:27]20.Music Stella - Time with You