[엄선 또 엄선한 🎧Play list]
0:00 C'est La Vie (Explicit Version) - Siine
2:50 Better Came Along - Siine
5:45 I Need More of You - Hallman
9:00 Dance- Lvly
12:46 Sleeping In My Head (Manta Circle Remix) - Siine
15:37 Not about Us - Lvly
19:19 Strange Brew - Ramin
23:08 Hard Way To Better - Siine
26:05 We're Out Of Time - Vacancy
29:10 Everybody - Elijah N
32:12 I'm Just an Accident Waiting to Happen - Basixx
35:38 Kings Of The World - Aiyo
38:52 Leave Me Breathless - Zyke
41:57 No Good For Each Other - Mindme
45:07 The Right Thing to Do - Andy Delos Santos
48:38 Lvly - Million
51:42 I'm All Yours - Velveteen
54:40 You're The Only Reason - Basixx
57:36 Young - Chris Coral
1:01:11 What Do We Do to Love - Hallman
1:04:09 Something Good - Velveteen
핏블리 뮤직 플레이리스트 🎵
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0:00 C'est La Vie (Explicit Version) - Siine
2:50 Better Came Along - Siine
5:45 I Need More of You - Hallman
9:00 Dance- Lvly
12:46 Sleeping In My Head (Manta Circle Remix) - Siine
15:37 Not about Us - Lvly
19:19 Strange Brew - Ramin
23:08 Hard Way To Better - Siine
26:05 We're Out Of Time - Vacancy
29:10 Everybody - Elijah N
32:12 I'm Just an Accident Waiting to Happen - Basixx
35:38 Kings Of The World - Aiyo
38:52 Leave Me Breathless - Zyke
41:57 No Good For Each Other - Mindme
45:07 The Right Thing to Do - Andy Delos Santos
48:38 Lvly - Million
51:42 I'm All Yours - Velveteen
54:40 You're The Only Reason - Basixx
57:36 Young - Chris Coral
1:01:11 What Do We Do to Love - Hallman
1:04:09 Something Good - Velveteen