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구독 회원들만 누리는 배송 서비스🚚
HOT한 플레이리스트 부터 실시간 인기 아티스트 곡까지
매주 신선한 음악라이브러리를 메일 구독 또는 카카오채널로 배송해 드립니다.


구독 회원들만 누리는 배송 서비스🚚
HOT한 플레이리스트 부터 실시간 인기 아티스트 곡까지
매주 신선한 음악라이브러리를 메일 구독 또는 카카오채널로 배송해 드립니다.

이벤트 참여를 위한 정보를 입력해주세요.



- -

* 이벤트 참여 후 구독 취소시 이벤트 대상에서 제외됩니다.

* 본명과 경품을 수령하실 연락처로 기입 부탁드립니다.

* 잘못 등록한 개인 정보로 인해 경품 당첨 대상에서 제외되거나 문제가 생길 경우 당사는 책임지지 않습니다.


구독이 완료되었습니다.
매주 신선한 플레이리스트를 배송해 드리겠습니다.


구독을 취소 하시겠습니까?
(구독을 취소하시면 더 이상 소식을 받지 못해요)


구독 취소가 완료되었습니다.
(마음 바뀌면 다시 구독해요)


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곡 리스트


Pottery Making ASMR Vlog at Icheon Ceramics Village in Korea | Highway Driving with Sweet Jazz Music

Mind Nook (마인드눅)
유튜브 조회수 36,836회 / 유튜브 좋아요수 151
✨A restful nook for your relaxation, we welcome you to Mind Nook.
For those in need of a breather, We’ve created a space for you here.
Anyone, anytime, anywhere - Come here to take a rest together.✨

5:12 Start touring Icheon Ceramics Village

Welcome to Handmade Nook.

At Handmade Nook we create vlogs about the joy and healing of making something by hand, and the beauty you can see and the pleasant sounds you can hear during the process.

In the first episode, we prepared a vlog about making pottery at Ye’s Park, a ceramics village located in Icheon, one of the biggest ceramics regions in Korea. The weather was a bit cloudy, but we felt the excitement of going on a trip as we listened to our favorite songs while driving from Seoul to Icheon on the freeway.

It was our first time touching the soft clay while using the pottery wheel, and we had no idea it was this much of a healing experience. We highly recommend pottery for those of you who want to rest within your daily life through an unfamiliar experience.
The potter will guide you along the way so it won’t be too difficult to do.

Relax and enjoy the Icheon Ceramics Village vlog with music prepared by Mind Nook, sounds, and rain, and feel free to leave any comments with your feedback. '◡'

✨Tip on enjoying Mind Nook videos to their fullest!✨
To fully enjoy this video, please use earphones or a headset or play in a quiet place. You can play it on your TV as part of your interior or as background noise. :)

🎧Time Stamps By Sounds🎧
0:00 Intro
0:29 Drive from Seoul to Icheon with BGM
5:12 Touring Icheon Ceramics Village
6:47 Enjoying Ceramics Village with rain sounds
8:29 Looking around ceramic supply store (Dongyoung Ceramics)
9:52 Imagining a potter making pottery wearing hanbok
10:36 Enter ceramics studio and touring exhibition (Kooeul Studio)
11:41 Meeting potter and his cat Junggoo
12:48 Making ceramic cup on pottery wheel with potter
16:29 Making cupholder on pottery wheel
18:49 Making handmade tray
25:40 Kiln room tour and firing gas kiln
29:11 Looking at ceramics exhibition after dark
29:55 Night drive on the way home (with BGM)

🎵BGM List🎵
*** Please email us for use of BGM. (
(0:29) The Cloudy Day
(8:32) 동영 (Dongyoung)
(11:42) 구을 (Gooeul)
(30:17) 다선 (Realization of True Nature by Tea)

🤳🏻Follow us on Instagram/TikTok @mindnook_official and enjoy relaxing & inspiring content updated every day.😌

✨Venues and Products Exposed in this Video✨
(This video does not contain any ads. We provide this information for viewers that would like to know the details of the stay and the products seen in the video.)

Ceramics Village (Icheon Ye’s Park)
Dongyoung Ceramics
Gooeul Studio

All Mind Nook videos are creative work with all rights reserved to Mind Nook.
Please contact for use.

#pottery #ceramics #Vlog #ASMR #potterywheel
0:00 Intro
0:29 Drive from Seoul to Icheon with BGM
5:12 Touring Icheon Ceramics Village
6:47 Enjoying Ceramics Village with rain sounds
8:29 Looking around ceramic supply store (Dongyoung Ceramics)
9:52 Imagining a potter making pottery wearing hanbok
10:36 Enter ceramics studio and touring exhibition (Kooeul Studio)
11:41 Meeting potter and his cat Junggoo
12:48 Making ceramic cup on pottery wheel with potter
16:29 Making cupholder on pottery wheel
18:49 Making handmade tray
25:40 Kiln room tour and firing gas kiln
29:11 Looking at ceramics exhibition after dark
29:55 Night drive on the way home (with BGM)